Disco-Roblox documentation

Easiest way to manage your roblox game using discord.


Main site - https://disco-roblo.org


-Moderating your game from discord


-Ban Suggestion system

-Look for player bans

-See player profile

-Minimum player age

-Logs channel

-And more to come!

-Roblox UI(planned)


-Roles link(planned)

Installation and Setup

Setup video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSobOyqqM2k

First invite our bot to your discord server. https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=1091677266309820456&permissions=2147568640&scope=bot

Discord bot is using slash commands.

Be sure that you are grabing your gameId from https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations? this site!

You need your GameId, SecretKey(random string, you will need it later in roblox script), and Name(just for orientation-anything short-like "main" or something).

After adding your game you can run /showgames. to see your games.

Now you will need to link your game.

Get script from roblox marketplace https://www.roblox.com/library/14064472661/Disco-Roblox-Script and drag it into ServerScriptService.

Lets configure it.

Open Settings.

--Disco Roblox V.1.0.7
--MRS Productions

local Settings = {
	REFRESH_LIST = 30, --How often to fetch bans in seconds (limit 15 + higher) !Game can get more laggy with less value!
	SECRETKEY = '', -- Your secret key.(Created by you on discord /registergame) KEEP SAFE!
	groupID = 0, -- Your group ID.
	groupRank = 255, -- Minimum Group Rank(This players cant be kicked or banned).
	adminPlayers = {"Roblox", "Someone"} -- This players cant be kicked or banned.

return Settings

First is SECRETKEY. Paste the string you made on registering game on discord.

-IMPORTANT-Enable HTTP in game settings!

Now run your game and look into console. If you did everything right you will see "[Disco-Roblox] Game connected successfully"

That's it! You can now manage your game using discord.


See all bot commands using /.

/banplayer(bans player)-(The format is (month/day/year))

/im-new(shows guide to this documentation)

/playerstats(show every ban on your server)

/gameconfig(config your game)

/registergame(register game)

/showgames(see your games)

/unbanplayer(unban player)

/unlink(unlink game)

/setuplogs(setup new log channel)

/removelogs(remove log channel)

/setupsuggestbans(setup new channel where player can post ban suggestions)

/removesuggests(removes ban suggestion channel)

/suggestban(suggest a ban)

Discord slash permissions can be changed in server connections settings.

You can try every command on discord.


Contact us using discord.Invite link on https://disco-roblo.org/support

Last updated